Wednesday, 3rd July Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

10:30AM - 11:00AM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Ballroom
11:00AM - 11:45AM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Auditorium
Chair: Timothy Wells
11:45AM - 12:30PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Auditorium
Chair: Martina Sanderson-Smith
12:30PM - 2:00PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Ballroom
12:30PM - 2:00PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Chair: Megan Lenardon

Please arrive by 1pm - please bring your lunch 

Lightning talks (5 min talk, 2 min questions)

1:05 – 1:12:  Dr Nedeljka Rosic (Southern Cross University) - Heat stress in microalgae - symbiotic dinoflagellates and resulting oxidative stress and cellular changes

1:13 – 1:20:  Emma Mao (University of Adelaide) - Characterising the quick-killing mechanism of action of azithromycin analogues against malaria parasites

1:21 – 1:28:  Dr Binod Rayamajhee (UNSW) - Zooming in on the intracellular microbiome composition of bacterivorous Acanthamoeba isolates

1:29 – 1:36:  Jasmin Li (University of Sydney) - The beneficial relationship between fungi and Australian stingless bees

1:37 – 1:44:  Jessica Scott (James Cook University) - The epidemiology of intestinal parasitic infections in rural Papua New Guinea and their potential impact on tuberculosis co-infections

1:45 – 1:50 – Closing remarks & prizes

12:40PM - 1:40PM
Wednesday, 3rd July

  • Arrive by 12:40 - please bring your lunch 
  • Committee and Convenors introduction
  • Overview and objectives of the SIG
  • Nowshin ShararModification of Acinetobacter baumannii capsular polysaccharides by genes carried in phage genomes
  • Dr Alexei ChklovskiExploring the Australian gut microbiome plasmid landscape using a novel reference-free approach

12:50PM - 1:45PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Auditorium
Chair: Yogitha Srikhanta

Lunchtime Panel Discussion 

Panel Members:

  • Professor James Ward
  • Professor Dena Lyras
  • Dr Sam Manna
  • Dr Rochelle Soo
  • Dr Heema Vyas

1:00PM - 2:00PM
Wednesday, 3rd July

Rapid Syndromic Testing, the need for faster diagnosis and intervention. 

Patients with infectious illnesses often have signs and symptoms that are indicative of a disease, but that isn't specific enough to clinically distinguish what makes them ill. These patients are frequently given broad treatment, heavy monitoring and possibly unnecessary interventions. This puts a burden on healthcare systems, clinical labs and clinicians, and means patients aren't receiving the best care possible. 

 In this workshop, speakers will discuss the clinical utility and value of rapid syndromic testing to help navigate the challenges of diagnosing infectious disease and delivering timely patient care.  

Chair: Madeline O’DonoghueCommunications and Government Affairs Lead, Pathology Technology Australia

Presentation One: Professor Paul Griffin, Director of Infectious Diseases, Mater Health

The clinical utility and value of rapid syndromic testing

Presentation Two: Dr Kwee Chin Liew, Clinical Microbiologist and Infectious Diseases Physician, Australian Clinical Labs

Use of rapid syndromic testing in emergency department as point of care test (Virtual Presentation) 

Presentation Three: Dr Justin Chai, APEC Director of Medical Affairs, QIAGEN

Rapid Syndromic Testing in Practice - Enhancing Diagnostic and Antimicrobial Stewardship

2:00PM - 3:30PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Meeting Room P7
Chair: Cheryl Power

From microscopes to metagenomics: the evolution of microbes and methods in the Clinical Microbiology. Laboratory.


3:30PM - 4:00PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Ballroom
5:30PM - 5:45PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Plaza Auditorium Foyer
6:45PM - 9:00PM
Wednesday, 3rd July
Sky Room & Sky Terrace