Symposium Presentation Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

An innovative commercial diagnostic test for sepsis directly from blood – correlation with clinical metadata and sepsis criteria (102887)

Flavia Huygens 1 , Lisa Simms 1 , Corey Davies 1 , Nadeesha Jayasundara 1 , Sumeet Sandhu 1 , Alexander Pintara 1 , Raffaella Giardino 1 , Anton Lord 2 , David Farlow 3
  1. Microbio Ltd, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  2. Specdata Consultants, Risbane
  3. Mackay Hospital and Health Service, Mackay


Early and accurate sepsis diagnosis can save lives and billions in healthcare costs. The sepsis burden in Australia is 55,000 cases/year and 8,700 deaths/year. InfectID-BSI test detects sepsis-causing pathogens directly from blood. The test is designed to identify 26 of the most prevalent sepsis-associated pathogens in less than 3 hrs. Published literature shows under-optimal correlation between blood culture and clinical sepsis criteria.


A 4-ml EDTA  blood tube was collected at the same time as blood culture from patients with suspected blood stream infection (BSI)/sepsis. DNA was extracted from 374 blood samples (0.35 mL) and tested using InfectID-BSI. Clinical and diagnostic laboratory data fields (n=50/patient) were collected from patient medical records. Seven objective sepsis risk criteria stratified patients as high, moderate or low risk for sepsis/septic shock (Queensland Adult Sepsis Pathway guidelines). To determine correlation of InfectID-BSI with clinical sepsis criteria, 39/202 patients were selected that returned blood culture negative and InfectID-BSI positive results.


Of the 39 patients, 18 (46.2%) were identified by clinicians as high risk of sepsis, 13 (33.3%) were moderate risk and 8 (20.5%) were low risk. Notably, of the patients who returned a positive InfectID-BSI result and a negative blood culture, 18/39 (46.2%) were infected with a fastidious bacterium.


InfectID-BSI uses a bioinformatics approach to identify highly discriminatory SNPs in conserved regions of the microbial genomes, resulting in InfectID-BSI’s high sensitivity and specificity. This is demonstrated by its high concordance rate with blood culture and its ability to detect additional sepsis-associated bacteria where blood culture doesn’t.


InfectID-BSI outperforms traditional blood culture in true positivity rate (36.5% vs 18%), detection of mixed infections (4.3% vs 1.6%), detection of fastidious bacteria (100% vs 0%), and time to result (<3 hrs vs ~48 hrs). InfectID-BSI’s greater positivity rate compared to blood culture means that for every 100 patients with a positive blood culture, InfectID-BSI identifies an additional 105 patients with bacteria. Our results show excellent correlation between InfectID-BSI and clinical sepsis criteria which enables more precise and targeted patient management strategies.