Nichollas E. Scott Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Nichollas E. Scott

Nick Scott received his PhD from the University of Sydney in 2012 on developing mass spectrometry (MS) approaches to study bacterial protein modifications. Supported by NHMRC and Michael Smith foundation fellowships he trained at the University of Alberta (2012) and University of British Columbia (2012-2015) developing quantitative proteomics tools for systems biology and glycoproteomics. In 2016 Nick returned to Australia and joined the laboratory of Elizabeth Hartland where he continued studying atypical forms of glycosylation focusing on bacterial mediated Arginine-glycosylation. In late 2017, Nick established his independent research group in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne. Since 2018 Dr Scott’s lab has sought to develop MS based approaches to identify and track microbial glycosylation events to improve our understanding of these protein modifications. In 2019 Nick was the recipient of the IGO Young Glycoscientist Award from the International Glycoconjugate Organization and in 2021 he was awarded the prestigious Frank Fenner Award from the Australian society of microbiology in recognition of his contribution to the field of microbial glycobiology.

Abstracts this author is presenting: